(taken from the Guns N' Roses Color
Spectacular #17 issue)
Izzy, ironically, seems to be the quietest Gun,
but is a man with a sarcastic wit who has been called "the cynic" of the group.
Born in Indiana, he hooked up with Axl way back when they were kids in Lafayette.
IZ: "the fact I'm from Indiana has no business being in my carreer."
When asked what Guns' connection to the "metal scene" is, Izzy responds with,
"we have metal strings, that's the only similarity we have."
His connection with lead guitar player Slash, however, is pure
magic. With Izzy's influences including everything from "classical to punk", his
guitar style coupled with Slash's causes major sparks to fly; its a case of two guitars
working off of each other rather than the typical method of one merely backing up."
Stradlin can think of nothing he'd rather be doing if not a part
of this ferocious alliance, but he does care to comment on the legends that have spun
themselves around the Gun's camp: "We don't really care if people think we've got a
bad attitude," he spouts. "We're the only band to come out of L.A recently and
that's real. And the kids know it." And though a four-wheel drive Mazerati may be in
his future, the songs are the important thing. Songs that can be personal to each listener
"can mean a million different things to a million different people."
This fan of philosophy books digs spending time in Amsterdam,
Holland. Perhaps it has something to do with what a cabby there said to him, "Speed
limit? What speed limit? Who cares?"

What's a girl to do? With a boy like this on
her trading cards, she can't go wrong!
